Workshops & Webinars
The goal: knowledge transfer ! What is stress, what happens in your body, how do you recognize it and how do you get rid of it as quickly as possible?
The workshop " Work hard, Rest hard ", is about creating stress awareness and reducing stress. So that you experience more balance and become empowered.
During this workshop I provide information and practical tools to:
release tension;
red flags / stress signals to (recognise);
disable the 'always on' button.
How? By examining, among other things, the physiological aspects of stress, in combination with mindfulness, breathing techniques,
relaxation exercises and - of course - yoga.
The result : less chance of burnout and more productivity, creativity and (work) happiness!
Workshops & online webinars on the individual themes are of course also possible. Then we spend all our time and attention on, for example, breathing and the nervous system, mindfulness or happiness at work.
de fysiologische aspecten van de adem, denk aan i) de link met het zenuwstelsel en het kunnen switchen van stress en spanning naar ontspanning en ii) waarom 'optimaal' ademen bijdraagt aan het krijgen van meer energie vs. niet 'optimaal' ademen juist bijdraagt aan minder energie en meer stress;
het visueel in kaart brengen van je stress- en energielevel gedurende de dag en te zien op welke momenten je de adem als strategische interventie wilt inzetten en op welke wijze.