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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the meaning behind Startup Yoga and the logo?

Yoga and the sea, anchors that dragged me through my burnout. My head was filled with calmness and my body was de-stressed.

Again and again I went on the mat. More and more I learned about the effect of yoga, that yoga works as an antidote to stress. From my own experience, I now want to contribute to reducing stress and the risk of burnout within the business community. By making yoga part of the working week, so Startup Yoga !

The two arrows in the Startup Yoga logo refer to Buddha's story about the two arrows . One of the basic principles in Buddhism is that there is suffering and the shooting of the first arrow symbolizes that. It is a fact that this first arrow is fired. Whether the second arrow is also shot is up to us, because this depends on our reaction to the situation (on the fact that the first arrow has been shot).

In every situation you can choose what your reaction is. Do you choose – in Buddha's terms – to create even more suffering, for example by swimming against the tide or reacting unconsciously and reactively and thereby throwing more fuel on the fire? Or do you choose to accept the fact that there is suffering, first count to ten and, as it were, rise above the situation? Questions that you can not only ask yourself during an intense yoga posture, but also off the mat.

Instead of shooting the second arrow, opt for purity and personal growth, which the lotus symbolizes in Buddhism. Knowing that the muddier the bottom of the water the lotus grows in, the more beautiful the flower will be.

Finally, the conch shell in the Startup Yoga logo, this shell is one of the eight auspicious symbols in Tibetan Buddhism. Also for me personally, the shell symbolizes happiness, the happiness that I rediscovered in nature and yoga.


Yoga live at your workplace; what is needed?

For the classes Yin Yoga , Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra , a room is needed where the class can be given. For example, a meeting room or office space where the chairs and tables can be moved to the side.


Nothing is needed for Easy Chair & Desk yoga , the available chairs and tables are sufficient. The lesson can be followed from behind the desk or together in, for example, a conference room.


The other necessities* are always taken care of per lesson. Of course it is also possible to set up a separate office space (for a certain period) as a yoga studio. In that case, all necessities can be loaned.  

Since Startup Yoga only focuses on the quiet forms of yoga, you will not sweat. It is therefore not necessary to take a shower afterwards.


Please contact us to discuss the possibilities, there are often more options than you think.


* Yoga mats, long cushions (bolsters), round cushions (meditation cushions), yoga blocks and blankets.



online yoga; what is needed?


By being creative with things in the house, you can always participate in a yoga class. For example, a blanket or large bath towel can serve as a yoga mat, you can bind books together into a bundle to replace a block and pillows and blankets from the sofa or bed are also great to use.


You do not need a lot of space, but preferably choose a place where you cannot be disturbed. In addition, you can of course create a nice atmosphere by dimming the lights or lighting a candle and temporarily turning off notifications from telephones and other devices .


And not unimportantly, make sure that the device you are taking the lesson on is charged.



Is there a dress code?


No, but clothes in which you can move freely are recommended for the classes Yin Yoga , Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra . In addition, it can be nice to bring a warm sweater and/or socks.


For Easy Chair & Desk yoga you can just keep your office outfit on, the classes are even made for that.



How long does a yoga class last?


From 45 to 120 minutes and everything in between. So this depends entirely on your wishes.



What is the group size?


This completely depends on your wishes. Yoga for the entire department or office or in a small group or 1:1 setting, it is all possible.


Fitness, medical complaints and pregnancy; what is possible?


The yoga classes are accessible and for every level. Experience with yoga is not necessary and that yoga would only be suitable if you are already limber and flexible is a myth. During the lessons, several options are always offered, so that you can perform the pose in your own way.


In case of medical complaints and injuries, it is of course advisable to first consult a doctor, but in many cases yoga can positively contribute to recovery.


You can also participate if you are pregnant, but for certain postures and breathing exercises I will offer an alternative.


Please let me know - in case of complaints, injuries or pregnancy - prior to the lesson, so that this can be taken into account and a suitable alternative can be offered.


What physical postures should I think about?


Watch or take a free online class Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Easy Chair & Desk Yoga.



What does lesson 1 of the Startup Yoga package: yin, base & upper body mean?

The postures discussed during this lesson are aimed at the upper body (the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists and back). This makes this lesson perfect for preventing and reducing work-related complaints such as a mouse arm / CANS and back problems.

The exercises can then also be applied after the yoga class. With this knowledge you can easily take a short but effective break before, during or after working hours.

During the poses I will discuss the basic principles of yin yoga. Everything you need and want to know before you step on the yoga mat is discussed.

Why are breathing exercises part of many yoga classes?


Breathing exercises, just like the physical yoga postures, are part of the yoga philosophy. By controlling your breath, you can more easily move your attention from your head to your body. With the help of the breath you can connect body and mind, the connection that yoga is all about.


There are many different breathing techniques. For example, you can lengthen the exhale compared to the inhale, so that you directly activate your parasympathetic nervous system. The part of your nervous system that is active during rest and recovery.


I will of course guide every breathing exercise from start to finish, so no experience is necessary. During lesson 1 of the Startup Yoga Package the focus will be on the breath.



What is meditation and why does almost every yoga class start with it?


Meditation can be seen as a pause moment, in which you practice observing your thoughts - and the silence between those thoughts.


The purpose of meditation is not to stop thoughts and feelings, with about 60,000 thoughts a day this is practically impossible. But meditation can lead to more rest and relaxation, which is why almost every yoga class starts with a short meditation. In this way, the transition from the normal day to the yoga mat becomes smaller and you have more effect from the lesson.


There are many different meditation techniques, for example you can observe what is going on in your body and mind at that moment, noticing if there are many (or recurring) thoughts or physical sensations that demand your attention. Another way is to focus on your breathing and whenever you wander off, focus on your breathing again.


I will of course guide each meditation from start to finish, so no experience is necessary. During lesson 2 of the Startup Yoga Package , the focus will be on meditation, in which various (short and longer) meditations will be offered.



What is Body Awareness?


Just as in meditation we observe our thoughts, in body awareness we observe the physical sensations of the body. Observing what you feel, without reacting (unconsciously) to it by directly and impulsively adjusting your attitude or precisely because of that - the discomfort of - accepting the attitude. Explore, respect and perhaps push your physical limits.   


Feeling and noticing which signals your body is sending out. By practicing with this on the yoga mat, you will also recognize your limits from the mat and be able to feel the difference between, for example, tension and relaxation.


If you find it difficult to make contact with your body and you do not recognize the signals your body sends in case of stress, this can eventually lead to a burnout. That is why it is important to be able to make the switch from your head (ratio: thinking, planning, organizing) to your body and to recognize which signals your body sends.


Awareness is the first step to being able to recognize and respect boundaries, therefore during lesson 3 of the Startup Yoga Package the focus will be on body awareness.



What is mindfulness and is it the same as meditation?


Mindfulness is a form of meditation in which you practice being fully aware of the present moment, without being judgmental about it. Mindfulness can be applied in any moment, without having to take a break or seek silence. This way you can also be mindful when you are on your bike, at work or consciously enjoying a ray of sunshine.

Mindfulness – as mindfulness training – is part of the Buddhist eightfold path and has been practiced for thousands of years. The American Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn took the concept of mindfulness out of its Buddhist context, which is why mindfulness is now widely used in the West to combat worry, stress and burnout.


During lesson 4 of the Startup Yoga Package the focus will be on mindfulness, where the seven basic principles of mindfulness will be discussed: non-judgment, patience, open attitude, trust, non-striving, acceptance and letting go._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_



Floor; what are the possibilities to gain more knowledge?

With the Startup Yoga Package , much about the breath, meditation & mindfulness, body awareness and stress awareness will be discussed.

Deepening can be done in subsequent yoga classes, but a workshop or webinar on a specific topic is also possible.


What are the benefits of yoga?

Yoga provides more focus, creativity, productivity and a good vibe in the workplace. In addition, yoga can be used against stress, burnout, sleeping problems, migraines, (chronic) pain complaints and low back pain. Yoga improves mental brain functions. Is yoga a means to connect with each other and does yoga have a beneficial effect on the immune system, increased blood pressure and lifestyle disease type 2 diabetes.

For more background I refer you to link .


What are the additional benefits of live yoga classes?

Home workers do not have to miss the live yoga class, participating online is simply possible.

All participants - live or from home - have free access to one online class per week.



What are the additional benefits of live yoga in the workplace compared to a yoga studio?


No travel time to and from a yoga studio and therefore very efficient.

I know from experience that the threshold to really relax in your free time is high. We often prefer to choose tension and effort to 'clear our head'. By offering yoga in the workplace, this threshold is lowered.

In addition, practicing yoga in the familiar working environment is seen as a great advantage for many. Set up the yoga mat with like-minded people, so that a lot of attention is paid to the topics that are important to you. Practical tools can thus be provided to integrate the benefits of yoga into working life. 

What if you think you're too busy for yoga?

Within the 'yoga world' it is often jokingly said: “if you can't make 15 minutes free for yoga, then you need at least an hour and a half on the mat”.

In short; the busier you are, the greater the need to think about relaxation. To allow the accumulated stress to disappear from your body in time.


If you manage to make time for that hour of yoga, you will experience more focus, creativity and productivity afterwards. Taking a real break always pays off.


'Emptying' your head through tension and effort or relaxation, what's the difference?


We often use tension and effort to 'clear our heads'. Think of 'binging' an exciting Netflix series or an intensive HITT training. Although it can be effective to 'clear your head', these activities do not provide the necessary physical relaxation.


For example, by watching a series you take in a lot of stimuli and during an intensive training you increase your breathing and heart rate and you create adrenaline. This turns on the sympathetic part of your autonomic nervous system. The part that focuses on fight, flight and performance (under stress).


True relaxation turns on the parasympathetic part of your autonomic nervous system. The part that focuses on rest and recovery. Yoga focuses on "turning on" this parasympathetic part, which makes you better able to withstand stress, sleep better, your brain works better (better memory), regulate emotions better, improve your immune system and you are better able to socialize. Interaction.



Is an intake interview possible?


An intake interview (and a final evaluation) are included in the packages. Feel free to contact us and we will plan something.

I like to think along about how yoga can be incorporated into your workplace and together we look at what is needed, which form(s) of yoga fit best and where the focus can be placed.

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