Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga is aimed at rest and relaxation.
Rest and relaxation
The word restorative actually says it all, rest & restore and with that:
from action and performance to doing nothing for a while, actively and consciously resting and recharging;
sinking out of your head into your body, surrendering to the moment;
your body and the autonomic nervous system [1] give the signal that you are 'safe' and you can relax;
learn what relaxation actually is and how to quickly get into that state of relaxation. Not only on the yoga mat, but also in life itself; and
offer a counterpart to (chronic) stress.
the respiration;
observing thoughts;
the (stress) signals that the body gives off; and
tools to release tension and relax more deeply.
Yoga poses
Restorative Yoga are static and are held for a longer period of time (up to six to twenty minutes), while your body is maximally supported by the use of simple aids (props [2] ).
During the postures, attention is paid to:
Lesson build-up
Every Restorative Yoga starts with a meditation or breathing exercise.
Then follow the Restorative Yoga poses as described above.
The class ends with a long moment of total relaxation (savasana), to reflect on what the class has done for you and what you would like to take with you for the rest of your day.
​ [1] The autonomic nervous system consists of two opposite parts.
Fight, flight and perform (under stress), the sympathetic part focuses on survival. With the help of adrenaline and cortisol, among other things, your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rhythm increase. Body functions that are not necessary for 'survival' are switched off, such as digestion, but also the part of the brain that is responsible for planning and considering.
Rest, relaxation and recovery, that's what the parasympathetic is all about. With the help of serotonin, melatonin and oxytocin, among other things, your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rhythm decrease.
Yoga focuses on "turning on" this parasympathetic part, which makes you better able to withstand stress, sleep better, your brain works better (better memory), regulate emotions better, improve your immune system and you are better able to socialize. Interaction.
And the great thing is this has all been scientifically researched and proven !
[2] The props used consist of long cushions (bolsters), round cushions (meditation cushions), yoga blocks and blankets. S tartup Yoga will provide the props and yoga mats for a live class on location.
In an online class, these props can be replaced by being creative with things in the house, such as: a blanket or large bath towel as a yoga mat, pillows and blankets from the couch and bed, binding books together into a bundle, etc.
[3] In case of pregnancy or physical complaints and injuries, please let me know so that this can be taken into account in class.